Focus and Scope
Nomicpedia is a peer-reviewed and open access platform which focuses on economics, business, management, and entrepreneurship. The aim of Nomicpedia is to be a authoritative source of information on it’s focuses.
The scope of Nomicpedia are but not strictly limited to:
International trade
Development economic
Strategic management
Good corporate governance
Business ethics
Financial management
Marketing management
Human resource management
Operational management
Small and medium entreprise
Financial Accounting
Management Accounting
Corporate Governance
Public Sector Accounting
Sharia Accounting
Accounting Information System
Islamic Economics
Islamic Economics Law
Islamic Business Management (Human Resource, Marketing, Halal Supply Chain, and Enterprise System)
Islamic Banking and Finance
Islamic Philantrophy (Zakat, Infaq, Shodaqoh, and Waqf)
Islamic Business Ethics and Entrepreneurship
Islamic Insurance